
layer index meaning in English



  1. We use the tianjin sunac corporation as the case to analyze . through from the targeted consumers research to implement of advertising , we get the reason of project sell like hot cakes by layer index
  2. We introduce and judge several test methods , and bring forward that the goal of test is to advance the validity of advertising spread . therefore , this chapter put forward the layer index evaluation to hold the validity of advertising spread from the advertising prophases
  3. So this paper tries to solve these problems through the following work : first , we select some index to valuate the close - end funds , including income , stability , risk in falling , stocks selecting ability and tuning ability , based on overseas funds valuation methods and domestic market condition ; second , we analyze the stability of all index and form two styles index , which are f and other bad stability index ; then , we form the valuation system , including two - layers index , which are p and factor score ; last , we use this system to analyze the close - end funds which came into existence before 2000 and get the final comparative result . the main intention of this paper is to create the system of valuating close - end funds in our country , which is comprehensive and objective . in my valuation system involving the period from 2000 to 2003 , the funds as a whole performs inferior to the stock index
    首先,对国外理论界经典成型的、以及前沿的基金评价指标和评价方法进行了详细的分析,并结合我国的基金市场状况,选取了可以衡量基金收益、稳定性、下跌风险、股票选择能力、时机选择能力等量化指标;其次,根据我国基金分析的需要,采用了诸如基金交易价格、换手率等二级市场表现指标;然后,对这些指标进行了时间延续性分析,检测这些指标在运用到我国基金市场时能否有效预测基金未来表现,从而形成了两类指标:时间延续性很好的s _ p和时间延续性不好的其它所有指标;再次,在以上工作的基础上形成了由两个层面的指标构成的我国证券投资基金评价体系: s _ p和因子分析中综合因子得分值;最后,选取了我国2000年1月1日前成立的23只封闭式基金作为样本,并同时采用上证a股与深成a股两个基准组合进行了3年样本期的实证分析,得出了最终的比较性评价结果。
  4. In order to break through the disadvantage of traditional theory , the thesis bring forward the layer index analysis ( lia ) , including the consumer ’ s psychology , advertising psychology , stp tactics . at first , we should set the coordinate axis layer index which make certain the direction of advertising . second , we aim at the targeted consumers to analyze the media arrive , advertising arrive , mind change , purchasing behaviors through the quadrant layer index

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  1. layer in slot
  2. layer inclusion compound
  3. layer information
  4. layer insulating paper
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